How to Scan a QR Code with Your iPad

  Matt Cone       November 1, 2021      Tutorials iPad

Quick Response (QR) codes are everywhere. These codes provide easy access to text and websites, but you have to scan the QR codes first to visit the see the text or visit the website. You can scan QR codes with your iPad to reveal the text or website address.

Here’s how to scan a QR code with your iPad:

  1. From the home screen, open the Camera app.

  2. Point your iPad’s camera at the QR code, as shown below.

    Scan a QR code with your iPad

  3. A notification appears at the top of the screen with the QR code’s text or website address. Tap the notification to open the website or search for the text.

You’ve successfully scanned the QR code with your iPad!

Can’t Scan a QR Code?

If you can’t scan a QR code with your iPad, you might need to enable the feature for your camera. Here’s how to enable the QR code scanning feature on your iPad:

  1. From the home screen, tap Settings.

  2. Tap Camera.

  3. Tap the Scan QR Codes switch so it’s in the on position, as shown below.

    Enable the QR code scanning feature on your iPad

The QR code scanning feature is now enabled on your iPad and you should be able to scan QR codes with your iPad camera.

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