How to Add Page Numbers to an Apple Pages Document

  Matt Cone       August 19, 2021      Tutorials Mac Apps

If you use Apple Pages for Mac, you’re already familiar with Apple’s word processing application. But depending on who you’re creating the document for, you may have to add page numbers. Many organizations such as schools and legal entities have very strict guidelines regarding the numbering of pages.

Pages for Mac

Here’s how to add page numbers to an Apple Pages document document on your Mac:

  1. Open Pages on your Mac, and then create a new document.

  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and move the pointer over the footer. Gray lines will appear. Click in the box where you want to insert the page numbers. The Insert Page Number button will appear, as shown below.

    Adding page numbers to a Apple Pages document on your Mac.

  3. Select the format for the page number, as shown below.

    Adding page numbers to a Apple Pages document on your Mac.

The page numbers will be inserted in the footer, as shown below.

Adding page numbers to a Apple Pages document on your Mac.

Congratulations! You have successfully added page numbers to your Apple Pages document on your Mac.

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